Create the Azure resources

In this step, we'll run the PowerShell script which will create all the Azure resources required by this solution.

To create the Azure resources, download the following PowerShell script:

To create all the resources required by this solution, either the Owner role or the Contributor PLUS User Access Administrator roles are required in the Azure subscription.

Azure Module requirements

The following Az modules are required to run the script:

  • Az.Accounts

  • Az.Resources

  • Az.Storage

  • Az.OperationalInsights

  • Az.ApplicationInsights

  • Az.Functions

  • Az.WebSites

Set parameters

Set the following parameters at the top of the script:

  • Tenant (tenant Id)

  • Subscription (subscription name)

  • Location (Azure region name)

Run the script

A successful execution of the script will report all the resources being created. Make note of the resource group name. All the resources created will be placed in the same resource group for easy management.

Check the resource group in the Azure portal for the created resources:

The following resources are created:

  • A storage account

  • A log analytics workspace

  • A function app

  • An app service plan

  • An application insights instance

In addition, some role assignments are created to allow the signed-in user to create the configuration table and backup container in the solution's own storage account, and to also allow the system managed identity of the function app to access the container and table.

The Azure function is deployed using ZIP push deploy, meaning the function app will then be in read-only mode in the portal as the function will be running from the package.

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