Create a Power BI report

Here we will look at how to connect Power BI to our storage account and import our data

Make sure you have run the automation runbook at least once to export some data before configuring the Power BI report.

Download the Power BI template

Download the Power BI template from here:

Connect to Azure Blob storage

  • Open the template in Power BI desktop.

  • When you do, you'll be prompted for the Storage account name and the Container name. Enter the values from the storage account you created.

  • If this is the first time you are connecting Power BI to the storage account, you may be prompted for the Account key. You'll find this in the storage account under Access Keys.

If you regenerate your storage account keys, you will need to update your Power BI report. For greater security, consider using a Service Principal instead when you publish your report.

  • Click Connect

  • Your report data should now load in.

Publish the report

Once your report has been created, you can publish it to the Power BI service by clicking Publish on the Home menu.

Once published, you can schedule the data to refresh periodically to keep the report up to date. Do not refresh more frequently than the schedule of your automation runbook. You do not need to use a data gateway because the storage account data source is also a cloud service.

Last updated