A look at the Power BI reports
Here we'll go through each page of the Power BI reports
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Here we'll go through each page of the Power BI reports
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Available in:
Overview Report
Details Report
This page contains an overview of installation status for all your assigned apps / updates / custom apps. The success % gauges are calculated from the total number of successful installations against the total number of applicable devices. Here you can see at a glance the overall health of your Patch My PC app deployments.
For the Overview report, this data is summarized by Microsoft Intune and presented as is. For the Detailed report, this data is summarized by the automation runbook from the raw data exports.
Available in:
Overview Report
Detailed Report
The Tree Map page shows at a glance which apps have the most number of successful installs and can be filtered by app type, ie app, update or custom app.
Available in:
Overview Report
Detailed Report
The Apps List page displays all your deployed apps managed by Patch My PC, including the Publisher, number of assignments, when the app was created, the app type and when it was last modified. You can filter by app type, app name or last modified date.
Available in:
Overview Report
Detailed Report
The Install Status page show the number of devices or users in each installation state (eg Installed, Pending, Failed, Not installed or Not applicable) per app, as well as the overall success percentage per app. You can filter by app type or app name.
For the Overview report, user data is provided as well as device data. For the Detailed report, only device data is provided.
Available in:
Detailed report
The Install Details page gives the installation status of each applicable app for each targeted device. Use the Date filter to limit results to a recent time period. There are various other filters including app type, app name, device or user name, install state etc. The Unique device count is the number of devices returned by the current filters and the Attempted install count is the number of installation statuses being reported for all apps and devices returned by the current filters. This can be useful for identifying failed installations for example, those that are waiting for a reboot, or devices that may have a problem.
A common error I have personally seen is 0x87D30000, which, rather helpfully, reports as "Unknown". In investigating this I have found that it usually means the device was unable to successfully execute the detection script. This could be because of limited disk space, for example, especially if the device is reporting this code for all apps targeted to it.
Not every error needs to be investigated. Often an app reporting an error state for a device will succeed later when it retries the installation.