Change log

A history of changes



Published v1.4 of the Power BI template which removes outdated OS versions in the Readiness page and focuses readiness just on Windows 11 23H2.


Updated the devices KQL query in the summarizer runbook to better handle tables where some of the columns may not be present, or not yet be present, due to an incomplete data set in the source tables. Also update the Power BI template with similar changes to its queries.


Improved the parsing of the latest regular update release date in the summarizer runbook.


Updated W10 update history URL in the New-UpdateHistoryTable function in the summarizer runbook as MS broke the existing shortlink URL. You must update this runbook for it and the report to continue working correctly.


Updated the automation runbook with minor bug fixes for the Get-WUErrorCodes and Get-WindowsSetupErrorCodes functions; for the former handling the removal of duplicated error codes, for the latter excluding a couple of headers added to the web page since initial release that caused non-terminating errors. The Power BI template has also been updated to v1.2, updating the WUErrorCodes query to handle the possibility of duplicate error codes.


Fixed a bug in the Proactive remediations script that caused the most recent feature update upgrade date to not always be reported.


Updated the WU error code functions in the summarizer runbook to reflect changes made to the layout of the source web pages. Since the layouts were changes these functions were producing non-critical errors.


Updated the Power BI template to version 1.1 which fixes an issue where the WU_PolicyUpdate table query may fail if all the required columns are not (or not yet) present in the source log analytics table.


Improved the way the OS Upgrade date is detected in the client-side script for feature updates


Initial public release

Last updated

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